This was the poem I had written at the end of 2018
An amateur attempt at being a poet!
They say a pen is mightier than a sword
Then why will the Battle of Bastards
Be more applauded than this ode?
There is a deep-rooted message
That some may get and some may not
To those who do, I ask of you
Who do you stand with today?
Do you stand with the bullies
Or do you for once take a stand and say never again!
How do you protect the bullies and simply look the other way?
And to the bullies I ask of you
How do you sleep knowing and doing what you do?
Maybe its easier to bury your head in the sand!
There is nothing wrong with the color gray
Its one’s personal choice and may brighten somebody’s day
But there is everything wrong with being a slave!
To those who thought this was all fun and frolic
I say thats a good way to be
For what you don’t know doesn’t hurt thee.
I bid a happy farewell to 2018 filled with highs and lows
To the highs I am extremely grateful
And to the lows I say Thank you, next!
There were many lessons learnt in this test
But some I do not wish to nest:
For it taught me not to trust, not to smile
And not to look my best
And to remain silent and blindly obey the mightiest!
But the lessons I cherish the most
Is to have patience and
Taking everything with a pinch of salt is the best practice.
My beloved family and friends I love you the most
For you are ones that give me strength
To keep calm and keep carrying along
While I do what I do best.
To the faceless guardian
I appreciate your time and effort
To protect me in your weird sort of way
While wearing the mask of villainous Snape!
And now to end this ode on a fun note
In the Game of Thrones you either win or die
So which house will it be in the run for throne
Will it be Stark or will it be Targaryen
Will the wolves howl or will it be the cry of a dragon
Its a circle of life, so queen you shall be
Until another one comes along and takes the throne!
To the faceless bodyguard I say to you
Cars may come and go
But Wonder Woman is here to stay
So let the sun shine while we make hay!
Life is a game of roulette
So take a chance while you can
Dance along to the sound of dragons and roaring lions
For you never know
You may just learn something from your minions…