Books I am Reading

3 min readDec 6, 2020


Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

With the advent of #Pandemic2020, I suddenly had too much time on my hands and I rekindled my love for reading. As a kid I used to be a voracious seasonal reader. With the start of summer vacations, I used to accumulate all the books I wanted to get through. My mother would help pick out books from the second-hand bargain book stores which ended up as a good deal. Growing up, Enid Blyton was my favorite author and I used to love collecting her different series of books: Five Find-Outers, Famous Five, Secret Seven. During my high school I also started reading books by P.G. Wodehouse which happened to be my mother’s favorite author. His sense of humor and witty style of writing would have me rolling in laughter, well not literally, but, you know what I mean. I was on a reading hiatus during college and grad school and I always envied my husband who had maintained his hobby of reading. He has always been a more voracious reader than me. The Kindle Paperwhite was my first gift to him during our days of dating. Once I got hooked to Netflix, I never seemed to have the concentration to get through a book. I had a pile of unfinished books on my list, which just seemed sad. Thus, I am glad I was able to get back to my hobby of reading.

Recently I happened to come across books by Fredrik Backman. I am currently reading “The Anxious People” by Frederik Backman. Its a hilarious page turner which could be turned into a movie. It also captures the emotional turmoil that one goes through during the ups and downs of life, however trivial or non trivial it may be. A regular person with a job, house and family suddenly finds himself jobless, homeless and adopting the identity of a bank robber to get money to make rent so that he could stay close to his kids. All because he couldn’t put his foot down and claim what’s rightfully his and ask for help. As a reader you find yourself rooting for him because of the hopeless situation life has put him in. Half through the book, I hope he makes it and that life give him another chance because the idea of Luck By Chance is filled with hope while the thought of Bad Luck By Chance is just pure evil.

Innocent people lost their jobs and the guilty were given bonuses. You know why?

Because people like you don’t care about the balance in the system



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