There have been numerous reports of the effects of COVID shots. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am writing this article from personal experience. Since the COVID shots, I have experienced intense migraine headaches, pounding and pulsating headaches, buzzing sounds in my head and a sensation similar to electrical stimulation of my brain. At times, it seemed as if there was intense pressure at the back of my skull. The headaches have at times lasted for about half a day, at times getting worse while lying down. At times, it seemed as if I was being hit at the back of my skull (pounding headaches). The pounding headaches sometimes continued for hours and I felt as if I had a concussion. The electrical stimulation during early 2022 was so horrible that I thought the vessels in my brain were going to explode. And each time the symptoms occur, I can feel the skin around the sensation getting hot (somewhat similar to the effects of tissue heating due to laser or RF). Least to say the COVID shots have seriously affected the quality of my life. Prior to the COVID shots, I hadn’t experienced any migraine headaches.
During the COVID pandemic, there were a lot of “conspiracies” regarding the COVID shots, with the most prominent of them being that they contained microchips and that the COVID shots could be used to conduct surveillance on people. Most of the “conspiracy theories” were either debunked or written as satirical articles. However, what if these theories were in fact true and the reason that the authors published them as satire was because they believed they wanted to inform the public while protecting themselves from liabilities.
Where there is smoke, there is fire.
The manufacturer of the shots is the only person who is going to be able to truly testify to the contents of the shots. If the COVID shots were used to microchip people and used to conduct surveillance on public, did we ever give consent for such invasions of our bodies. What is the guarantee that the microchips cant be used to abuse people? Did they conduct toxicity tests to ensure the long term safety of the microchips? It is true that for certain conditions, devices are implanted to ameliorate the medical conditions, however these devices have undergone years of trials and received FDA approval and they are only administered in the event that alternatives do not exist. Where is the justification for microchipping people across the world? If the shots are microchipped, they most definitely could cause the pulsating headaches and buzzing sounds that scores of people have experienced. And it is possible that for majority of the people, it may not seriously affect them, however what about scores of the people who have been affected? What about vulnerable populations who may be more susceptible to adverse effects either due to preexisting implantable devices or preexisting conditions?
Imagine a world where the shots contain microchips and could be used to monitor and control your each and every activity. A type of biometric tattoo. There has been tremendous progress made lately where patients suffering from paralysis can use their thoughts to communicate with implanted chips and electrodes. A type of telepathy. If implanted chips could read a person’s thoughts, could they not be abused and used as bioweapons to also brainwash people? Tchnology can be a blessing or a boon depending on how it is used. Nuclear power while being a powerful source of alternative clean energy can also be used to destroy cities and nations. Similarly, implanted chips while providing new life to people in need, could be turned into bioweapons.
If the shots are microchipped, where is the guarantee that the shots won’t be exploited to target and injure people who defect or choose to execute their freedom of speech? Are we simply supposed to blindly trust every person in a world where mass shootings have become a regular occurrence, where neither innocent kids going to school nor military veterans who have given their life to serve our nations are spared? Where is the assurance that the microchips won’t be exploited by terrorists and extremists to terrorize, abuse and brainwash people?
Several people have also spoken of the effects due to COVID shots such as blood clots, aneurysms, pounding headaches, pounding heartbeats, strokes and heart attacks. Implanted devices and chips when not functioning properly or not shielded to external interferences can definitely cause deleterious effects. The shots have saved a lot of people who could have died from COVID. However, there have been reports that because of ICUs and hospitals being at full capacity and due to the need to avoid the spread of infection in nursing homes and hospitals during the initial periods of the pandemic, autopsies were not performed and the cause of death for most patients was specified as COVID. Could it be possible that the current mortality numbers have been inflated to push more people to get vaccinated? Additionally, the COVID pandemic has occurred previously, and COVID vaccines have been manufactured and administered previously. However, during the previous COVID epidemics, the mention of adverse reactions were minimal. In a retrospective cohort study by Fronza et al. 92 patients with myocarditis were included. The patients were divided into three groups: 1) myocarditis post-COVID shots 2) myocarditis post COVID illness 3) myocarditis unrelated to COVID. The authors of this study showed that COVID vaccine resulted in myocarditis in 23% of the admitted patients. A 23% incidence rate of myocarditis post-COVID vaccine is high enough to demand an investigation into the matter. What is the point of shots that causes illness in a quarter of the population?
Abbvie factories closed down due to adverse effects that caused the death of four infants. Theranos founders face years of imprisonment for defrauding the investors. Why then should the manufactures of COVID vaccines not be held accountable for the adverse effects and the deterioration of quality of lives? If the adverse effects of the shots are caused due to the intentional introduction of components that have been administered into people without consent, the manufacturers need to be held accountable for abuse of powers and for committing felony.
I believe for many its a new world post-COVID, which is very different than pre-COVID. There have been multiple global problems in the post-COVID world. We have seen the fall of governments in several nations, increased violence across the world, rising racial tensions and feelings of nationalism, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, rise in inflation, global recession, rising power cuts across the globe due to shutdown of Russian gas pipelines, increased suicide rates, falling life expectancy rates, increased gun violence and stabbing incidents. Is it all a coincidence or is it a consequence?
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