Redemption means justice not violence
It means answers which give peace
Some tend to use brute force
But what’s the point that’s so easy
Guns and knives bring no justice
They just lead to more questions
Questions that may never see light
Why then do people have them
Is it a game, is it a sport or history or security
But why then does it cause fear and insecurity
Guns don’t kill, people do
That’s right so then why would you
Enable an angry dude With a license to
Kill by allowing him access to
Weapons of mass destruction
coz that ain’t no redemption
Anger’s an emotion that makes no exemption
And killing is a disease with no medication
So then why would you
Go down that road of redemption
It’s a one way street, this road to destruction
There are many roads to redemption
Talk for redemption, run for redemption
Stir a movement for redemption
Smile, laugh and be kind for redemption
Come together and unite for redemption
Hug, kiss and make up for redemption
Demand equality, justice for redemption
Kindness and love are the answers
Killing and suicide ain’t the solution
They are the cumulative effects of
Drugs, cocaine, declining mental health
And increasing depression